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        Mark Laurenzano
Self Concept ?
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In Their Words
Fitzone Summer Camp
Febuary Academy
Remote 2FitZone
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Framingham State University
Elms College
Springfield College
About Fitzone
Westfield State
OMG Inc.
Career in Aerospace
Fitness First Health Club
Hampden Country Hall of Justice
The perception of oneself is developed during childhood. Physical fitness activities are significantly related to improvements in self concept, the feeling that one has value in the world which is a hallmark of good health.
Regular stretching to increase range of motion has a positive effect on flexibility in children. Increased range of motion in a joint allows it to give
Children engaged in daily physical activity show superior motor fitness, academic performance and attitude toward school as compared to their counterparts who do not participate in daily physical education.

Did You Know ?

Regular exercise positively affects self-esteem which appears to be a central component of success in academic achievement, classroom participation, social skills and leadership potential.
Regular exercise significantly enhances the body’s ability to move air into and out of the lungs, increases blood volume, and helps blood become better equipped to transport oxygen.
Physical activity is a critical component in the development of long term personal virtues, attitude and social qualities including cooperation, honesty, selflessness, persistence,resourcefulness, self reliance and commitment.
Exercise increases fat free mass and decreases body fat. A 2 year moderate aerobic exercise program (running 20 minutes  per day) for 41 obese children (21 boys 20 girls) showed a 30% increase in lean body mass.
Self Significance ?
Character Development ?
Body Composition ?
Academic Peerformance ?
Leadership Skills ?
Intellgence ?
Cardio Respiratory Endurance ?
Identifying oneself as fit can be a strong statement both of oneself and others that counters insecurity and feelings of helplessness from environmental stressors of self mastery, competence and control.
Physical activity is essential in promoting normal growth of mental function.

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